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Language: English Words: 6,081 Chapters: 3/? Comments: 8 Kudos: 79 Bookmarks: 4 Hits: 698 Then one day, the familiar brunette and her bright yellow shoes stepped back into her life after a messy breakup with the blonde baddie.Īll the feeling's Marcy had been repressing for years came bubbling up to the surface and to Marcy's surprise, they didn't seem so one sided. She had friends that actually cared about her interests in a way her old friends never had and things seemed perfect on the surface. Marcy had moved to the city with her parents and now had a part time job that she didn't really like but it payed well. But that didn't mean life was easy for the girls. There were no monsters on earth, no deadly birds, no giant killer flies, no lizards with giant flaming swords and a robot army. It's been 2 years since the three human girls returned to the human world, saying goodbye to Amphibia forever.

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